Patron Family

“Benedizioni Alla Tomba” (Blessings To the Grave)

Keres Molon, on the scene of an incident. Photo by Allana Marie.

The Molon Collective consists of loners who've never quite fit in - recluses, hermits and exiled psions who found a safe harbor with the collective and its patron Lady. Their organization oversees the care and upkeep of the local Gravemind and Morgue, as they have a deep psionic connection to the Gravemind and a drive to “protect it.” Messing with the Gravemind is the fastest way to lose their good will and invoke Lady Keres Molon's wrath.


Gravemind Health - The Molon monitor what happens in the Gravemind, as well as the activities of grave robbers, to make sure the Morgue remains stable.

Key Individuals

Keres Molon - The Lady of the Collective, known for her powerful psionics and devotion to the Mortus Amarantine.

Ezra Molon - Personal Bodyguard to Keres with an un-subtle hatred for Graverobbers. 

Renley Molon - Keres’ Right Hand and level headed advisor.


The Molon Collective is a Monarchy led by Keres Molon; her word is absolute within the Collective. Formal titles are given and changed at her behest. Nothing is currently known about the line of succession. 

Basic Society Membership - Called “Fledgelings,” these new initiates are often under apprenticeships.

Proficient Society Membership - Called “Ravens,” Keres trusts them to be her eyes and ears in Requiem and the Fold.

Master Society Membership - Called “Advisors,” a title reserved for close confidants of Keres.


The Collective is a relatively recent addition to Requiem, only having surfaced a few years ago with the Treaty of the Fold. The leader of the collective has been tight-lipped on exactly how she rose to power but the rumor mill has a few ideas... none of them peaceful.

Family Colors


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