All players are required to have signed a release form (available on site), Payment for game (cash or card) if you have not paid in advance, multiple pens to last throughout the weekend (you will certainly lose them or have them die on you during the weekend!) and to show proof of vaccination. Proof of vaccination can be shown on site or emailed ahead of time to
Tooth brush/paste, Floss, Bug Spray, Sun Block, Shampoo, Soap, Deodorant, Contacts case/solution, Towel, footwear for the shower, Menstruation products, Medications (please inform Directors of any medical needs)
NPC clothing (dark / distressed clothing) a red flashlight (if you need one), packets or foam projectiles (if needed) Plenty of extra socks, changes of clothing depending on the weather, a reusable drinking container, a green head band to denote being out of game (useful for various things such as walking to and from your NPC shift), a watch or time piece to help record time for skill usage, bleed out, the 12’s etc.
Sleeping bag, pillow, extra blanket, tent/ cot (beds are first come first serve, but some people prefer to tent!), glow sticks to mark tent lines
Don’t forget to pack all the costuming for your character(s) Please make sure your costuming is safe and that you won’t be tripping over it, as well as ensure there are no sharp or jagged edges/ protrusions. You’ll want to make sure you can be active in the costuming, and that it's something you don’t mind getting a bit dirty. Between natural things like mud, and the unnatural things like zombie guts and raider blood, messes do happen. You’ll also want any character makeup or prosthetics and any small trinkets for your character. Please ensure that anything you bring to game is something you wouldn’t mind losing or having damaged. Additionally, you’ll want proper footwear. We strongly recommend something waterproof. On that note, pack socks. And then a few more than you think you might need. Changing your socks may sound simple, but it really can impact your overall experience! Don’t forget to pack up any contact safe weapons you may need to keep yourself alive!
We currently have fridge space and microwaves on site, as well as the ability for players to make fires to cook over. You will most likely be rather active during the weekend, from walking all over site, to combat, to staying up (or being woken up) You’ll need the calories to keep going. Make sure to pack plenty of food to eat throughout the weekend. We recommend having your major meals covered as well as easy to keep on you snacks. Don’t forget to hydrate properly as well. While energy drinks and coffee will get you a long way, be sure to throw in some water, Gatorade etc. throughout the weekend!