Faith has a unique place in the Fold: not only has the open practice of religion been banned periodically for over a generation, but there has always been a mistrust of zealots (who have historically brought war to the region). This has seen a particular type of Ascensorite culture develop in the area… a group of Devoted who no longer cling to their faith.


Apostate Ascensorites aren’t a new phenomenon in and around Requiem, but their numbers are rapidly growing in the wake of recent events, which include religious upheaval. Just as others of the Fold have grown distrustful of religion, so have these Ascensorites, but the focus of this lineage on faith has turned that incredulity inward, resulting in a group of Ascensorites who are simultaneously faithless… and of all faiths. 

Costume Requirements

The strange faith (or lack thereof) common to Apostate Ascensorites changes their bodies, just like others of their strain. Instead of gaining elaborate mutations, Apostates have brands and scars all over their body, often in the style of runes, scripts or symbols. They all have one common mark: a horned cattle skull. 


Apostate Ascensorites are constantly shifting in their religious convictions. Assuming enough Apostate Ascensorites are in play (as mentioned in pre-game announcements), all Ascensorites may use the following ability.


At the beginning of an event, an Ascensorite may pick a new faith and write it on their sheet. When they use their lineage advantage, they can instead choose to change their faith, and once per event may spend a Resolve to immediately change to a new faith.