We’ve updated our Local Mechanics for March! Here’s some of the calls you can expect to hear during the event.
Countered by Avoid if delivered via a strike or ranged attack. The target can not use skills or items, can not move or in any way defend themselves but may speak. Tangled effect can be removed by another character using the Break skill on mechanical cause of Tangled or by Proficient Malicious on the appendage of a creature delivering the Tangled mechanic.
Makes the threat immune to negative and/or movement-impairing effects (Ex: Knockback, Stun, Blinding, Mangle, Fear, Terror, Nail, etc.) The threat will respond with “No effect, Unstoppable” to a negated ability. Additionally all damage dealt to the Threat is reduced to 1 damage and the Threat will periodically respond with “Reduced, Unstoppable.” When the Threat receives burst damage, they will become staggered for a few seconds.
This rare and powerful ability causes a target to follow a single command until the task is completed, nullified (such as being compelled to defend someone who then dies), game ends, or the compulsion is broken. The target must complete the command to the best of their ability. When affected by Compulsion, a target is unaware of the specific command until they begin to act upon it. Characters under the effects of Compulsion remember the actions they take, but are not in control of them. Further research is required to identify ways to end or prevent Compulsion.