This is part of a series of articles that attempts to make some of the more confusing rules calls simple. In this one, we look at different ways to really incapacitate a character.
The word “potatoed” isn’t anywhere in the rules set; it refers to a character who has had all their limbs Mangled. What’s interesting about this state is that they’re specifically “Subdued,” a state in which you can’t use any items. So if you have an item that allows you to heal a limb or ignore effects of Mangled limbs (as opposed to preventing them), you can’t use it unless you have one working limb.
The “subdued” state is also not often understood. It’s explicitly different than being Stunned, and only happens if you have had all your limbs Mangled, are Unconscious, or are in Bleed Out (also tied up, but we’ll get to that). While you’re Subdued, you can’t use any items or any skills except for Anomaly skills (unless that item or skill specifically states you can use it while Subdued); you also can’t move. What players forget is that being unable to use items or skills or move (like when you’re Stunned) does not mean a creature is Subdued. This is important if someone wants to use a skill that requires a Subdued target.
Tied Up
One such skill that requires a Subdued target is the use of Basic Malicious, which lets you tie someone up. It takes 5 seconds, and while the effects are very similar to being Subdued, they’re not exactly the same (specifically, only Anomaly skills will work when you’re tied up). Further, it’s possible to be Subdued and tied up at the same time: right now, there’s no item in the game that will work when you’re both Subdued and tied up.
An important point in all this: a character who has been Stabilized by Basic Medical is no longer in Bleed Out, and is therefore no longer Subdued because of this. Although the book explicitly states a Stabilized character can’t use any skills… but they can move slowly and use items. So you could become Stabilized and drink a brew or a meal to regain body; and you can’t tie up a Stabilized character (unless you Subdue them some other way).