With over 100 travelers expected for Honor’s Fall, it’s possible the locals might actually be outnumbered by visitors. While we’ve designed our modules, such as the Hot Zone and the Bacchanal, to include people with little to no experience with Requiem, traveling to another game, particularly for the first time, brings specific challenges. How do you get involved when people already know each other, and probably already have specific plans? We have two tools to offer travelers, as well as a request for locals to help them out.
“Can I Come With You?”
The first problem a traveler faces is that they’re probably not going to get included in a lot of plans. This isn’t because people don’t like you or don’t want to play with you… it’s just because they’re used to doing things with another group of people, so those are who they think about when they say “hey, let’s plan a Hot Zone run,” or “let’s go to the waterfall.” Sometimes, when you’re sitting alone and watching other people do stuff, it can feel very isolating. When that happens, try this - ask someone who’s heading off to do something, “Can I come with you?”
Consider this blog your official permission to invite yourself to just about everything. There might be in-character consequences: you could get contaminated in the Hot Zone, and there’s probably some fallout if you crash a Murder Inc meeting, but these can be a lot of fun. Out-of-character, everyone at the game wants you to have a good time, so you’re not intruding. Just ask, “Can I come with you?” and we’ll get you involved.
“Will You Help Me With This?”
Another problem travelers face: they make a plan… to sell something, to do something with criminal influence, or organize a faith gathering… and it just doesn’t work that well. In your home game, maybe you’re the big food vendor or the Inner Circle member or high priest of your faith. In Requiem, people probably go to someone else, and it’s hard to take the initiative and lead big events. Instead of getting frustrated when people don’t get involved with your ideas, just ask someone, “Will you help me with this?”
Helping someone is a lot different than buying something from them or committing to their plan of action. Asking for help lets the other person know you’re trying to do something and need assistance. It is a favor… but it’s one people will do for you, because we want you to have a good time. So ask for help, because while people might decline an offer out of lack of interest, they’ll probably answer a request for assistance.
What’s a Local To Do?
If you’re a local, you might have noticed we’re putting the onus on travelers to seek out company and assistance. This is important… people have to put themselves out there to get involved. But asking “Can I come with you?” or “Will you help me with this?” is hard, particularly when they’re asking strangers. So we’re asking locals to just say “yes,” to travelers. Bring them along on your secret meetings and Honor’s Fall murder parties. Stop and help them out if they’re trying to sell food at the Bacchanal or need folks to help harvest crystals in the Hot Zone. When a traveler asks you for something, assume they just want to get involved, say “yes,” and help them out.
Remember: the person most responsible for you having a good time is you. But also remember that everyone wants you to have a good time, and are willing to help out. So travelers, remember your questions and ask people to get you involved, and locals, all you have to remember is to say “yes.”