While we’ve made plot kits (Red Line) and opt in engagements (“I feel”) embracing the fuck around and find out culture, those are very much choices we want you as a Player to make and embrace for your Character. On the flip side, we also want you as your Character to make some smart choices for you as a Player.
What we are putting out
A prime example for our October game is getting enough rest for the night. We here at DRNY love to give you the late night scenes, combat and holy shit moments. We’ve got the Feast of Flesh and this year we’re doing the opt in “I Feel” cabin scenarios. Both of these really fit the spooky theme everyone has come to love from this season, and we know you all also love the other late night threats, creepy scenes you stumble upon in the woods and everything else our writers and team come up with. All of these things have something in common however, and it’s that these things happen late night, both Friday night and Saturday.
What we need in return
We know we try our best to keep you entertained all weekend, and often during siestas players try to organize their own events, research, faith meetings etc. However, we are asking players to make a conscious effort to try and get some rest during the down time, even if there may be a few things going on. Missing a small mod during the afternoon may be incredibly worth it if it enables you to stay up and get involved with the things they may be waiting all game for. We’ve all been there or seen our friends there, someone stays up late and didnt take a nap, and they are cranky and irritable. Or, we’ve been woken up or we’ve engaged a sleeping player only for them to respond angrily. This can feel bad for the NPC just doing their job, trying to entertain everyone. The woken player also ends up feeling bad. Let’s all make sure we get enough down time and rest this game, so we can enjoy the late night horrors we’ve come to love here at Requiem.